Thursday, April 7, 2011

20 Questions and Answers About Milk (Part2)

8. My children have low-fat milk in kindergarten - should it be so?
Many people react to the recommendation of low-fat milk even to children. Low fat milk is perceived as not being as nutritious as whole milk, but it's actually the opposite Low fat milk contains admittedly a little less fat, but the vitamin D content is 19 times higher than in whole milk. The fatter standard milk is best used for cooking because it gives a bit fuller flavor.

9. Is organic milk healthier than "regular" milk?
No, calcium and vitamin D content is the same. The choice of organic products is made by other causes, such as respect for the environment.

10. Does pasteurization remove the nutrition?
No, the milk is still full of nutrition after pasteurization. The nutrients listed on the package of milk are listed after pasteurization. Pasteurization is done to kill bacteria that may be present in milk, such as Salmonella and EHEC.

11. Hampers milk the absorption of other nutrients in food?
It has long been believed that the calcium in milk prevents the body from absorbing iron, but recent research has revised that view.

12. Is it true that milk is mucus-forming?
No, milk is not mucus forming. There is a lingering myth that pops up here and there, even in reputable medical information. There is no reason to avoid milk when the flu is around.

13. What are the symptoms of milk allergy?
Cows' milk allergy, is an allergic reaction to cows' milk, it can be expressed in a variety of ways, such as eczema, flushing, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, poor weight gain, refusing to eat or even affected breathing.

14.Will a child who cannot tolerate milk grows poorly if they drink milk?
Yes, in some children with cows' milk allergy the lining of the intestines may get damaged if they drink milk. Then the lining of the intestine gets smoother and the intestine cannot absorb the nutrients in the food properly. This may in turn lead to the child growing poorly, but the intestines will get back to normal if the child avoids milk. Children who cannot drink milk or eat milk products often get less fat, energy and certain nutrients than other children, which may also lead to reduced growth. To be sure those children with milk allergy get enough energy and nutrition they should meet with a dietitian and get personalized advice.

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